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    Exam Results and Destinations

    Outstanding A Level Results and Destinations in 2024

    Students at Camden School for Girls once again collected outstanding A Level results in 2024, with attainment and progress above the national average. The school’s results headlines are as follows:

    • Percentage A*            20%  (National 9%)
    • Percentage A* - A      52%  (National 28%)
    • Percentage A* - B     78%  (National 54%)

    Our Sixth Form destinations for 2024 include the following:

    • 78% of our successful applicants secured places at Russell Group Universities
    • 46% are starting STEM courses
    • 15 students have places at Oxford or Cambridge
    • 8 students have Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Studies places
    • 22 students are doing art foundation courses

    The top 10 most popular universities this year are:

    • University of Bristol (33 students) 
    • University College London (11 students)
    • University of Leeds (11 students)
    • University of Manchester (9 students)
    • University of Glasgow (8 students)
    • University of Oxford (8 students)
    • University of Cambridge (7 students)
    • University of Edinburgh (7 students)
    • Queen Mary’s University of London (7 students)
    • University of Nottingham (7 students)

    Exam Results - More Information

    Higher Education

    The majority of our Sixth Form students' progress from A Levels to Higher Education applying for a very broad range of courses ranging across the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and STEM subjects. Some of our students apply to study abroad or for Degree Level Apprenticeships. Art Foundation is a popular choice with some students completing it as a prelude to further study in a more specialised area of Art and Design, whilst others spend a year developing their creative knowledge and understanding prior to taking up an academic degree in another subject area.

    Many of our students choose to take a gap year. Some work for a period of time in order to finance travel; others go abroad for the entire year, either on volunteer projects around the world or to live in a country where they can learn a new language or improve their fluency in one already studied.  Some apply for internships which gives them the opportunity to experience working in an industry they are particularly interested in, and which may inform their choice of subject for undergraduate study. Our gap year students either apply for a deferred place during Year 13 or return to us during their gap year for support and advice through the UCAS process.

    We take the university application process very seriously. A full programme of advice and guidance is arranged to inform and support students over the two years, enabling them to complete successful applications to universities and colleges. Our students have full access to Unifrog, an online platform that gives extremely detailed information and guidance on HE progression routes and careers. Students can also use the careers bookshelf situated in the Sixth Form Common Room to browse amongst the hundreds of prospectuses sent by Higher Education Institutions.

    There is a special event in the Spring Term, ‘The Higher Education Conference’, specifically devoted to the skills of filling in the UCAS application forms for degree courses and guiding students on writing personal statements. The event involves a panel of admissions tutors from a wide range of universities. In the Summer Term we have our Year 12 Careers Conference at which students meet with a wide range of professionals and learn about their career paths.

    UCAS forms are started in the Summer Term of Year 12 and completed in the Autumn Term of Year 13. During this time, our UCAS coordinator works alongside the Head of Year and the tutors, helping students to choose courses and complete successful applications.

    Sixth Form Destinations 2024

    Our students continue to achieve the grades to take up places at a fantastic range of universities in a huge range of courses. This year 190 of our students secured places at 48 different universities. A further 22 of them went on to art foundation courses at the major London art schools.
    Here are some headlines:

    • 78% of places are at Russell Group universities
    • 15 students gained places at Oxbridge colleges
    • 46% of all degree courses are in STEM subjects

    As well as more traditional choices our sixth formers applied for an eclectic range of subjects including the following: Arabic and Spanish, Experimental Psychology, Forensic Science, Infection and Immunity, Medical Engineering, Motorsport Engineering and War Studies.  

    Overall our students have gone on to study over 100 different subjects and subject combinations.

    Here is the full list of our 2024 students’ UK universities and colleges plus how many have gone to each:


    Number of Students

    Aberystwyth University 2
    Bournemouth University 1
    Brighton and Sussex Medical School 1
    Bristol, University of the West of England 2
    Brunel University London 1
    Cardiff University 2
    City, University of London 5
    Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London 1
    Coventry University 1
    Durham University 3
    Glasgow School of Art 2
    Goldsmiths University of London 1
    Imperial College London 4
    King's College London 6
    Kingston University 1
    Liverpool Hope University 1
    London School of Economics and Political Science 4
    Middlesex University 1
    Newcastle University 1
    Nottingham Trent University 3
    Queen Mary University of London 7
    SOAS University of London 2
    Swansea University 2
    The University of Edinburgh 7
    University College London 11
    University of Bath 1
    University of Birmingham 2
    University of Bristol 33
    University of Cambridge 7
    University of East Anglia UEA 1
    University of East London 1
    University of Exeter 2
    University of Glasgow 8
    University of Greenwich 1
    University of Leeds 11
    University of Leicester 1
    University of Liverpool 6
    University of Manchester 9
    University of Northampton 1
    University of Nottingham 7
    University of Oxford 8
    University of Reading 1
    University of Sheffield 6
    University of St Andrews 1
    University of Surrey 1
    University of Sussex 6
    University of Westminster 1
    University of York 2
    Art Foundation Number of Students
    Camberwell 9
    Central Saint Martins 6
    City and Guilds of London  1
    Kingston University 6
    The Royal Drawing School 2
    International Placements Number of Students
    Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands) 1

    University of Athens
