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School Life

Our school motto, dating from the school’s foundation in 1871, is ‘Onwards and Upwards’.

This captures the sense of optimism and determination to succeed that permeates the school. We aim to develop resilience in our students, and the ability to be tenacious in their quest to be the best they can be in all aspects of their lives.

We are ambitious for every young person in our school, and our commitment to their success is combined with very strong pastoral work to make sure that students feel happy, safe and supported at all times.

Seven Rules of the Classroom

Follow your teacher's instructions. Lessons are for learning!

1 Always be on time and have the right equipment and books.  Put your bag on the floor. 
2 Remember to put up your hand - don't call out - never use bad language.
3 Agree to the seating plan or talk to your teacher privately.
4 Turn off mobile phones/iPods and keep them out of sight.  Do not wear headphones.
5 Take care of the environment - no graffiti, no litter, no gum.
6 Go to the toilet during break and lunchtime.  You will not be allowed during a lesson unless you have a medical pass.
7 Always be polite and considerate to everybody and leave grudges outside the classroom door.


Camden's Compass

  Everyone is DIFFERENT but we all should have the SAME chances
C Communities work when there is a calm, safe and tolerant atmosphere. Please understand that bullying whether verbal or physical against any member of our community is not tolerated.
O Objectionable and rude behaviour shown to any member of our community, including visitors, is a serious breach of our code and is not tolerated. We do not wear a uniform but we do wear appropriate clothing for activities in school.
M Manage your own behaviour and have your own goals. Speak out for fairness and be independent. If you feel that there has been an injustice - discuss it with your tutor or go to the girls in the S.O.S. We must all realise and understand that smoking and taking drugs is forbidden and strong sanctions will be applied if this rule is broken.
P Please take pride in our environment. If you use the dining room, you must clear up after yourself. Do not graffiti or leave litter. If asked to help tidy up - do so with a smile not a scowl! Chewing gum gets on clothes and furnishings and is not allowed in school.
A All of us are entitled to hold a view point and be listened to in class in a quiet and respectful way. We should show courtesy by arriving on time to all lessons and having the correct equipment and kit with us.
S Subject learning is a priority so we should keep to seating plans and follow all teacher instructions. It should be clear to us all that disruption to our lessons holds back our opportunities. Mobile phones should not be seen or heard in lessons as they cause disruption. They should not be used on the stairs or in the corridors as you could have an accident when not paying attention.
S Special talents should be celebrated. If you have good ideas – share them. If you have exceptional skills – display them, you deserve our congratulations.